• Evening activities

Body Awareness

A calming guided meditative awareness of the body and the mind. Including a gentle scan and observation of the body from the head to toes (Vipassana) without judging the senses or feelings, allowing the perception of what we are observing.

All our Therapeutic Pathways include evening activities

If you have opted for our diverse option “Just be Here”, you can view our a la carte price below.
€ 25
I 60 Min.
€ 110
I 3 x 60 Min.
  • Evening activities

Body Awareness

A calming guided meditative awareness of the body and the mind. Including a gentle scan and observation of the body from the head to toes (Vipassana) without judging the senses or feelings, allowing the perception of what we are observing.

All our Therapeutic Pathways include evening activities

If you have opted for our diverse option “Just be Here”, you can view our a la carte price below.
€ 25
I 60 Min.
€ 110
I 3 x 60 Min.