• Wellbeing activities

Meditation Practice

Meditation is a central component at NLP and we offer many opportunities to practice during the day, to help you experience the benefits of this daily routine and establish a regular practice when back home.

All our Therapeutic Pathways include wellbeing activities

If you have opted for our diverse option “Just be Here”, you can view our a la carte price below.
€ 40
I 60 Min.
€ 110
I 3 x 60 Min.

*During weekdays, always at 7am - 10.30am - 1.30 pm

  • Wellbeing activities

Meditation Practice

Meditation is a central component at NLP and we offer many opportunities to practice during the day, to help you experience the benefits of this daily routine and establish a regular practice when back home.

All our Therapeutic Pathways include wellbeing activities

If you have opted for our diverse option “Just be Here”, you can view our a la carte price below.
€ 40
I 60 Min.
€ 110
I 3 x 60 Min.

*During weekdays, always at 7am - 10.30am - 1.30 pm