Teacher in Residence – Tom Goldstein

- March 5, 2022

We are happy to announce a pilot for our new forthcoming Teacher in Residence program. We will invite distinguished coaches, instructors, and facilitators to our Serra da Estrela centre to offer special workshops, retreats, seminars, one-on-one sessions, and other activities.

It’s a great chance to be inspired by skillful leaders with a world of experience on topics like mindfulness, resilience, healing, coping with grief, burnout, loss, anxiety, depression, and more.

Our very first Teacher in Residence, Tom Goldstein, will be visiting New Life Portugal from 14-24 March. Tom is a certified life coach, mountain leader, and mindfulness facilitator. During his stay, he will co-facilitate a workshop based on our weekly community practice theme. He will also offer two half-day group sessions and a limited number of optional one-on-one coaching sessions.

During the two group sessions, Tom will share a simple model that offers a way of exploring how we are engaging with life at the moment.

The model explores four key areas:

  • Clarity / Curiosity
  • Action / Momentum
  • Savouring / Appreciation
  • Stillness

As well as giving us a process to understand where they are in relation to these four key areas, the model also helps us to investigate what might be helpful to get to where we want, or need to be right now. The model is most powerfully used alongside metaphor, nature, and reflection as we bring the inquiry of what would be most beneficial to us in our current or next phase of life.

In the first group session, there will be time for slowing down and coming together as a group, understanding the model, finding each of our places within the model and sharing our findings. In the next group session, we will take our findings out onto the land and explore our relationship with what we discovered in the first session.

These two sessions will support an initial understanding and a deepening of our enquiry. There will be time to reflect, question, and share as a group and also in the optional one-to-one sessions with Tom following the first two group sessions.


March 15 – Workshop, deepening the Theme of the Week

March 17 – Group Session #1 

March 18 – Group Session #2

March 19-23 – Optional one-on-one sessions (additional fee, limited availability)


There is a fee of €55 for the optional one-on-one coaching session with Tom (6 places available).

About Tom Goldstein

I am a certified life coach (CPCC) and mountain leader. I have a Masters degree in Psychology, and a PGDip in systemic behaviour change and well-being.

In 2015 I was trained and certified by the Coach Training Institute (CTI), one of the most established and well-respected coach training schools in the world. My training also includes NLP, communication skills, leadership development, positive psychology, team coaching, mindfulness, and nature connection.

I have over 1000 hours of coaching experience and over 700 hours of training specifically related to coaching, development, and wellbeing. My training has been in many different methods, which allow me to blend different techniques and tools to best suit your needs. I have a decade of experience with my own meditation practice and deep nature connection, and I am also a mountain leader, mindfulness facilitator, and nature guide.

My life has taken many twists and turns over the years, but I’ve always sought to understand myself and the world around me more deeply. I’ve often looked for adventure and learning in whatever form it has been available.

Before becoming a coach in 2015 I spent 15 years in a career in telecoms. Five of those years were spent in senior leadership, with a role that took me all over the world. I have had my fair share of success throughout my life, but I have also faced my own struggles and difficult times. Like many others, I have experienced anxiety, insecurity, and a lack of self-belief.

My approach to life and coaching brings an appreciation for the complexity and paradoxes inherent in being human and being part of the wider world. We are shaped by the world around us and we shape the world around us. We are a mix of many different competing needs, thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

It is essential that we understand the complexities of our inner and outer systems in order to heal, develop, and bring sustainable success, not just for ourselves, but for everyone and everything.

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