Hugo Silva


Born and raised in a village in the Serra da Estrela, from a certain point on he always knew that his destiny would be far from his home village, so he decided to emigrate to Switzerland after finishing his studies. In Switzerland Hugo learned all his love for cooking and worked for many years in the kitchen improving his skills.

In recent years he decided to return to his home village and joined the New Life Portugal team, hoping to transmit his love for cooking to everyone.

Hugo Silva


Born and raised in a village in the Serra da Estrela, from a certain point on he always knew that his destiny would be far from his home village, so he decided to emigrate to Switzerland after finishing his studies. In Switzerland Hugo learned all his love for cooking and worked for many years in the kitchen improving his skills.

In recent years he decided to return to his home village and joined the New Life Portugal team, hoping to transmit his love for cooking to everyone.