Health + Wellness

July 1, 2024
Understanding neuroplasticity or how our brains possess the ability to adapt and change throughout our lives
May 6, 2024
Humans since the primordials of times have been living in communities. In fact, many authors have followed and further developed Darwin’s theory of evolution, according to this theory societies were formed for survival reasons and needs – “survival of the fittest” (Hodge, 2023).
The Positive Effects of being in nature and the wild. Allowing some time for the busy mind to have a rest!
November 11, 2022
The wisdom of the body explained by yoga therapist Silver Kim-Videira. She talks about healing, depression & the power of longing.
September 28, 2022
Qigong is an ancient practice that uses movement, breath and mindfulness to promote self-healing as well as to strengthen and balance the mind and body.
January 19, 2022
When was the last time you sat down at a table and had a meal without being in a rush or glancing at a screen? We are notoriously busy and short on time. Many of us eat on the go, in the car or have lunch at our desk. Relaxing in the evening often means dinner in front of the TV.
January 6, 2022
Can you boost your immune system with certain foods? And if so, what foods boost your immune system the most? This blog post is packed with tips, facts and background info that might surprise you and will hopefully help you to support your body through the cold and flu season.
December 19, 2021
The darker and colder months of the year offer an incredible opportunity to improve or strengthen your mental (and physical) health: cold water swimming! Due to its many benefits, cold water swimming has become somewhat of a trend over the recent years that is rapidly gaining more and more followers.
November 28, 2021
Recovering from Cancer Treatments is an important topic. Europe comprises only one-eighth of the total world population but has around one-quarter of the global total of cancer cases.
November 26, 2021
Living in a mindful community doesn’t mean that we’ve forgotten about our stomachs and the importance of healthy zero-waste meals!